2 votes Vote


How about a free form description for leaders so we can describe our league in detail?

Larryboy1956, 11.03.2015, 15:29
Response from the site administrator
Gromph, 05.06.2015
League Owners can now edit their league and fill in the about field.
Idea status: completed


JonasSCE, 11.03.2015, 17:25
that seems reasonable. Where would you want to see this description?
Larryboy1956, 11.03.2015, 18:08
well, when someone clicks on LEAGUES, they see the day events and members...higher than that would be good.
Larryboy1956, 12.03.2015, 22:22
didn't explain right...

when you clik on a league, you see the td's and the days events......

Just over that, the first thing that we would see.

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